Freeman Sheldon syndrome
Freeman Sheldon syndrome (FSS), also known as distal arthrogryposis type IIa, is a congenital condition where multiple joint contractures are a key feature. Affected individuals are known to have a characteristic facial expression resembling that of a whistling face and hence the syndrome is also sometimes known as the whistling face syndrome.
Clinical features
The clinical spectrum includes
- cranio-facial:
- long philtrum
- mouth puckering
- microstomia
- H-shaped chin dimple
- orbital features
- hypotelorism :
- drooping of the upper eyelids :
- strabismus:
- low-set ears
- gradual hearing loss
- microcephaly
- musculoskeletal:
- arthrogryposis: joint contractures often tends to be severe
- camptodactyly
- ulnar deviation
- equinovarus
- congenital kyphoscoliosis
- club feet
It is thought to carry an autosomal dominant inheritance in most cases with occasional sporadic and autosomal recessive forms.
History and etymology
It was initially described by E A Freeman and J H Sheldon in 1938
Siehe auch:
- Kamptodaktylie
- Mikrozephalie
- Klumpfuß
- Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- low set ears
- Hypotelorismus
- langes Philtrum
- Mikrostomie
und weiter:

multiplex congenita