giant fibroadenoma

Giant fibroadenomas are fibroadenomas weighing more than 500 grams or measuring >5 cm in size.

Please refer to fibroadenoma article for further details.


They are usually encountered in pregnant or lactating women.

Clinical presentation

The typical presentation is in a woman with a large palpable breast lump.


Microscopically both stromal and epithelial cells.

Radiographic features

Radiographic features are the same of normal fibroadenomas.


Variable features from the well-circumscribed discrete oval mass hypo- or isodense to the breast glandular tissue, to a mass with macrolobulation or partially obscured margin. Involuting lesions can produce classic, coarse popcorn calcification appearance.


Well-circumscribed, round and/or macrolobulated mass with homogenous hypoechogenicity.

Signal characteristics
  • T1: mostly hypointense or isointense 
  • T2: variable intensity
  • T1 C+ (Gd): variable

Treatment and prognosis

Although benign, giant fibroadenomas should be excised because of their similar clinicoradiological presentation to the malignant phyllodes tumor.

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