
Right painful
hip in Gitelman"s syndrome. Coronal T1-w image showing a minimal left femoral head AVN lesion (arrow), a large right femoral head AVN lesion (open arrow) and joint effusion in the right hip joint (arrowhead).

Right painful
hip in Gitelman"s syndrome. Coronal STIR image showing the extensive bone marrow oedema in the right proximal femoral bone (arrows).

Right painful
hip in Gitelman"s syndrome. Sagittal fat suppressed contrast-enhanced T1-w image of the right hip, shows the osteonecrotic lesion (arrows) and the bone marrow oedema (open arrow).

Right painful
hip in Gitelman"s syndrome. Oblique axial fat suppressed contrast-enhance T1-w image of the right hip, shows the osteonecrotic lesion (arrows), the bone marrow oedema (open arrow) and the synovitis (arrowheads)