Glomus jugulotympanicum paraganglioma

A radiologic
review of hoarse voice from anatomic and neurologic perspectives. Jugulotympanicum paraganglioma. A 49-year-old woman with voice change and pulsatile tinnitus. Coronal T2-weighted MR images (a, b) and axial contrast-enhanced T1 image (c) demonstrate a T2-hyperintense, enhancing mass centered at the left jugular bulb (white arrows) extending into the hypotympanum (white arrowhead). Axial CT of the temporal bones (d) reveals abnormal soft tissue in the left middle ear (black arrow) with osseous "moth-eaten" destruction at the jugular foramen (black arrowhead); the cochlear promontory in preserved (not shown). Based on location and appearance, findings are consistent with a jugulotympanicum paraganglioma (glomus jugulotympanicum tumor)

jugulotympanicum paraganglioma • Glomus jugulotympanicum - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

jugulotympanicum paraganglioma • Glomus jugulotympanicum - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

External and
middle ear diseases: radiological diagnosis based on clinical signs and symptoms. Glomus jugulotympanicum. Axial CT scan in bone window shows opacification in tympanic cavity and destruction of mastoid air cells, caused by glomus jugulotympanicum (arrows)

paraganglioma • Carotid body and jugulotympanic paragangliomas - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Glomus jugulotympanicum paraganglioma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

paraganglioma • Jugulotympanic paraganglioma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

paraganglioma • Jugulotympanic paraganglioma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Glomus jugulotympanicum paraganglioma is a glomus jugulare paraganglioma that has spread superiorly to involve the middle ear cavity. The term can also be used clinically when a suspected glomus tympanicum paraganglioma involves the hypotympanum as its inferior extent cannot be established clinically .
Practical points
As glomus tympanicum paraganglioma usually does not erode the floor of the middle ear, glomus jugulotympanicum paraganglioma should be the main consideration under these circumstances .
See also
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