Gudden's commissure
Gudden’s commissure, also called the ventral supraoptic decussation, is one of three tracts that comprise the supraoptic commissure . The remaining two tracts that comprise the supraoptic commissure are Meynert's commissure (dorsal supraoptic commissure) and the anterior hypothalamic commissure of Gasner .
Gross anatomy
The fibers that comprise Gudden’s commissure are located immediately posterior to the optic chiasm . There is some conjecture regarding the path of fibers within the commissure - Jinkins and Gray et al suggest that the fibers with Gudden’s commissure connect the medial geniculate bodies , whilst Clarke et al propose it contains fibers arising from the reticular formation with the pons that then ascend with the medial longitudinal fasciculus .
History and etymology
Gudden’s commissure is named after Johann Bernhard Aloys von Gudden, a German neuroanatomist and psychiatrist . Gudden was credited with discovering the commissure in 1870 .