hereditäres medulläres Schilddrüsenkarzinom

siblings with hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma caused by RET mutation: implications for RET oncogene detection. Imaging findings and pedigree of the patients. (a-b) Imaging findings of patient 1. (c-d) Imaging findings of patient 2. (e) Pedigree of the patients. Full black icons represent the positive result of genetic detection, full grey icons represent the inferred carrier of the RET mutation, and the slash represents death. Male are presented by square, and female are presented by circle. The indexes cases are identified by “P1” and “P2”. P1, patient 1. P2, patient 2. The icon marked with “?” presents the family member with unknown genotype
hereditäres medulläres Schilddrüsenkarzinom
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