
Toddler with
right scrotal pain who had suffered non-accidental trauma. Axial CT with contrast of the abdomen (above) shows a heterogenous appearance to the enlarged right testicle which is surrounded by an edematous scrotal sac. Sagittal US of the right scrotum (below) again shows the thickened edematous scrotal sac, the heterogenous testicle, and an anechoic fluid collection surrounding the testicle.The diagnosis was testicular hematoma surrounded by a reactive hydrocele and a scrotal hematoma secondary to trauma.

Acute scrotal
ultrasound: a practical guide. Scrotal trauma. a Testicular rupture. Longitudinal US of the right testis in a 19-year-old male following jet ski accident. There is disruption of the tunica albuginea (arrowheads) and extrusion of a large amount of the inferior pole of the testis (annotated by letter E); the normal tunica albuginea is noted more superiorly (arrow). Also note surrounding hematocele (asterisk). The patient underwent debridement and repair with preservation of the superior aspect of the right testis. b Testicular fracture. Longitudinal US of the left testis in a 47-year-old who sustained a traumatic scrotal injury after being struck by a baseball traveling at high velocity. The thin hypoechoic band (arrows) corresponds to the testicular fracture line. Orchiectomy was performed due to extent of injury. c Penetrating testicular trauma with intrascrotal gas. Transverse US of the left testis in a 25-year-old who sustained a traumatic scrotal injury after a hand gun discharged while in the patient’s pants pocket. A focal defect (arrow) along the lateral aspect of the left testis corresponds to a site of tunica albuginea rupture and tubule extrusion. A cluster of amorphous echogenic foci with mild posterior shadowing in the testicular parenchyma are due to intratesticular gas. The patient was treated with orchiectomy