Hypoplasie der Nasennebenhöhlen
assessment in Down syndrome: a pictorial review. Coronal (a, b) and axial (c) reconstruction of paranasal sinus CT of a 21-year-old Down syndrome patient, depicting absent frontal sinuses and hypoplasia of the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses
Total aplasia
of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity: the first case report. a–c The coronal sections of the facial CT scan reveal the absence of frontal, ethmoid, and maxillary sinuses; the absence of the nasal bone and cavity; normal maxillary incisors (red arrows) and orbits (yellow stars); and normal bone density
Total aplasia
of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity: the first case report. a–c The sagittal sections of the facial CT scan demonstrate a non-pneumatized, compact maxilla; an aplastic sphenoid bone; aplastic frontal sinuses; and a high-riding, convex palatal arch, resulting in increased space in the oral cavity in the craniocaudal dimension (green triangle). The scan also shows a normal pituitary fossa (blue circle) and the absence of a nasal cavity
Total aplasia
of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity: the first case report. a–c The axial sections of the facial CT scan demonstrate a non-canalized nasal cavity, a non-pneumatized maxilla, non-pneumatized ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, normal orbits, and normal infraorbital nerve canals (red arrows)
Collins Syndrome. Computed Tomography axial section bone window showing hypoplastic and non-pneumatized mastoid cavities bilaterally. There is deviation of the nasal septum towards the right side.