intraokulare Silikontamponade

silicone oil • Intra-ocular silicone oil - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

silicone oil • Intracranial migration of intra-ocular silicone oil - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

IDH-mutant • Diffuse astrocytoma IDH-1 mutant - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

silicone oil • Silicone embolization from intraocular implant - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Watch out for
the special location of intraventricular silicone oil following an intraocular tamponade - a 10-year follow-up case report based on CT/MRI. A 63-year-old male undergoes CT examination in December 2011 (ww 60, wl 100). a ~ c show the high-density shadow at bilateral ventricular anterior horns, right of suprasellar cistern and right eyeball, respectively (arrow). d and e display that the location of the high-density shadow in bilateral lateral ventricular anterior horns remains unchanged after 6 h (arrow).The old infarction at right basal ganglia is shown in a, d and e (△)

Watch out for
the special location of intraventricular silicone oil following an intraocular tamponade - a 10-year follow-up case report based on CT/MRI. The patient receives CT and MRI examinations in July 2014. a~b, the high or slightly high density shadow on the right side of the right eyeball and the right suprasellar cistern (ww 60, wl 100)(arrow); c, the high-density shadow on the left ventricular anterior horn (arrow), disappearance of the high-density shadow on the right ventricular anterior horn (red circle) (ww/wl same as A); d~e, lesions with slightly high signal intensities on T1WI and T2WI, and chemical shift artifact on the edge of lesion (arrow); f, disappearance of the slightly high signal intensity on T2WI_tirm_dark-fluid (red circle)

Watch out for
the special location of intraventricular silicone oil following an intraocular tamponade - a 10-year follow-up case report based on CT/MRI. The patient undergoes CT examinations in March and June 2018. a, the high or slightly high density shadows in the right eyeball and the right suprasellar cistern (ww 60, wl 100)(arrow); b, the high density shadow at anterior horn and middle of the left lateral ventricle (ww/wl same as A)(arrow), the slightly low density shadow at the left corona radiata (arrowed), prompting infarction (subsequently confirmed by MRI); c~d, CT reexamination after 3 months shows that the lesion at the left lateral ventricular anterior horn has a higher density and a larger volume (ww/wl same as A) (arrow), but it disappears in the middle of left lateral ventricle (ww/wl same as A)(red circle)
Intra-ocular silicone oil has been used as a vitreous replacement and for internal tamponade of complex retinal detachments.
Some reported side effects include glaucoma and corneal decompensation .
Radiographic features
Hyperatteunating on unenhanced CT with a reported average CT unit value of around 130. It appears well defined and generally of homogeneous density.
- T1: hyperintense relative to water
- T2: hypointense relative to water
Differential diagnosis
In some situations, it may mimic a vitreous hemorrhage on CT.
Siehe auch:
- Glaskörperblutung
- intraokulare Raumforderungen
- Netzhautablösung
- Fett in den Hirnventrikeln
- Silikonöl im Ventrikelsystem nach intraokularer Silikontamponade
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Silikonöl im
Ventrikelsystem nach intraokularer Silikontamponade