
duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. An 8-month-old boy baby with continuous crying is taken to the emergency department. Because of high suspicion of intussusception, a US exam is required. a Abdominal pear-shaped cystic lesion (star) in the left flank was found in a coronal US view. It shows a typical outer hypoechoic wall and inner hyperechoic layer, with hypoechoic content inside. b Doppler US showing light hyperaemia of the lesion wall that was also thickened. Surgical findings: complicated duplication cyst in the colonic splenic flexure

preschooler who stools out of her vagina and rectumInjection through the vagina (left) shows a normal caliber colon which is malpositioned with the descending colon on the right side of the abdomen and the cecum in the left lower quadrant. Injection through the rectum (right) shows a second colon of normal caliber that was again malpositioned. There was no communication between the two colons.The diagnosis was colonic duplication.

duplication in adult. The images show perineal region with two different anal sphincters.

duplication in adult. Axial CT view shows the intestinal duplication with two different rectosigmoid lumen: the posterior one with fecal impaction and the anterior one with diverticular disease.

Toddler with
a lower abdominal midline mass. Axial CT with IV and oral contrast of the abdomen show a large midline mass which appears to contain air and stool (and no oral contrast) that extends from the lower abdomen (top) all the way to the rectum which it displaces posteriorly and to the right (bottom).The diagnosis was colonic duplication.
Duplikationszysten gastrointestinal Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Enteric duplication cyst is a broad term for a number of congenital cystic lesions that arise along the gastrointestinal tract. Please see individual articles for further information:
See also
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