Kompression der Medulla oblongata durch die Arteria vertebralis

artery compression of the medulla oblongata: A benign radiological finding? Schematic drawings explaining the methodology for localizing the site of vertebral artery compression on the rostral medulla oblongata, carried out on the anterolateral 1/4 area of the axial plane divided into three parts (a) and that for defining the degree of medullary compression in the longitudinal or transverse dimension (b). D: maximal dimension of the hypothetically unaffected, intact medulla oblongata at the vertebral artery compression site, Lat: Lateral, R: Maximal vertebral artery dimension at the medullary compression site, V: Ventral, VA: Vertebral artery, VL: Ventrolateral; dotted line: hypothetically intact contour of the medulla oblongata.

artery compression of the medulla oblongata: A benign radiological finding? Axial T2-weighted (a), postcontrast axial (b), and coronal (c) T1-weighted magnetic resonance images of a patient showing bilateral vertebral artery compression of the rostral ventrolateral medulla oblongata (arrows). Med: Medulla oblongata, VA: Vertebral artery.

artery compression of the medulla oblongata: A benign radiological finding? Postcontrast axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance images of different patients showing the vertebral arteries with variable diameters considerably compressing the rostral medulla oblongata (a-i, arrows) on the right (a, c-f, i), left (g), and both sides (b). CeT: Cerebellar tonsil, Med: Medulla oblongata, VA: Vertebral artery.

artery compression of the medulla oblongata: A benign radiological finding? (a-e) Serial axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance images showing stable findings of vertebral artery compressions on both sides of the rostral medulla oblongata (arrows) for 7.7 years. Med: Medulla oblongata, VA: Vertebral artery.

artery compression of the medulla oblongata: A benign radiological finding? (a-f) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of a 75-year-old man showing marked vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia enlargement in 5.4 years with considerable compression of the rostral ventrolateral medulla oblongata (f: asterisk).

artery compression of the medulla oblongata: A benign radiological finding? (a-d) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of a 70-year-old man showing a remarkable vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia enlargement in 3.2 years with marked compression of the rostroventral medulla oblongata (a, c, d: asterisk).
Kompression der Medulla oblongata durch die Arteria vertebralis
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