Ligamentum glenohumerale superius

MRI. Dilated
anterior and posterior ligament-capsule complex with complete rupture of the superior GHL and partial tear of the medial and inferior GHL.

arthrography of SLAP X tear with rotator interval tear and biceps tendon rupture. Axial images show comparison between the partially torn superior glenohumeral ligament in this patient and a normal SGHL.
Ligamentum glenohumerale superius
Siehe auch:
- Ruptur mittleres glenohumerales Band
- humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament
- Ligamentum glenohumerale inferius
- Glenohumerale Bänder
- Ligamentum glenohumerale medius
- Ruptur superiores glenohumerales Band
- BHAGL lesion
und weiter:

avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament