linksventrikuläres Divertikel unter der Aortenklappe

subaortic diverticulum associated to bicuspid aortic valve. (A) Sagittal Multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) that shows a bicuspid and calcified aortic valve.

subaortic diverticulum associated to bicuspid aortic valve. (B) Axial MPR where the ascendig thoracic aorta appears expanded.

subaortic diverticulum associated to bicuspid aortic valve. Axial MPR showing the subaortic valve diverticulum (arrowhead) and the bicuspid aortic valve with calcifications (arrow).

subaortic diverticulum associated to bicuspid aortic valve. Sagittal MPR showing the relationship between the subaortic valve diverticulum (arrowhead) and the bicuspid aortic valve with calcifications (arrow).
linksventrikuläres Divertikel unter der Aortenklappe
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