LMO view
A lateral-medial oblique (LMO) view is a type of supplementary mammographic view.
The advantage of performing the lateromedial view is to depict lesions located far medio-posteriorly visible on the CC view only, or to depict palpable lesions in the inner quadrant not seen on mammography.
This view, also used for very kyphotic patients or in patient with a pacemaker or a port located in the upper inner quadrant, may also be helpful to demonstrate lesions located medially and not seen on the classic MLO view.
The tube-detector system is tilted 45° to 60° toward the contralateral breast. The medial surface of the breast to be examined is placed against the detector, and the ipsilateral arm laid over the detector edge. The breast is elevated until compression is applied, from lateral to medial direction.
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