Malformationen der Zähne

Dens in
dente. Orthopantomography shows abnormal conformation of teeth 12 and 22 (yellow arrows) with double enamel lining and peg-shaped crown. Tooth 22 also has a "ballooning" root malformation.

Dens in
dente. Axial view shows the “Target-like” conformation on the tooth (2.2) as confered by the double layer of enamel, formed by an incomplete inner layer (white arrow) and an external layer (yellow arrow).

Dens in
dente. Axial view shows the “Target-like” conformation on the tooth as confered by the double layer of enamel, formed by a complete inner layer (white arrow) and an external layer (yellow arrow).

Dens in
dente. Coronal reconstruction shows the enamel invagination (white arrows) and peg-shaped crown; as well as a "ballooning" root malformation in tooth 22.

Dens in
dente. Sagittal reconstruction, Left parasagittal view at the level of the 22 tooth.

facial talon cusp: Case report. Peri-apical radiograph of the mandibular left central incisor showing the inverted V-shaped talon cusp.

A novel
DSPPmutation causes dentinogenesis imperfecta type II in a large Mongolian family. Clinical analysis of dentinogenesis imperfecta type II (DGI-II). The proband (IV5) is a man aged 32. His permanent teeth showed a shade of brown and almost complete attrition of the enamel layer without a history of periapical infections(a and b). Dentition of the 5-year-old son of the proband. His primary teeth had shown normal timing of eruption, but shortly thereafter become brownish and small due to cracking of the enamel and attrition of dentin. At the time of examination, his first permanent molars had just emerged and still showed an intact enamel(c and d).

dysplasia type I: a case report and review of the literature. Panoramic radiography before treatment.

dysplasia type I—novel findings in deciduous and permanent teeth. Intraoral images and panoramic radiographs of individuals. a Intraoral image of a normal subject. b Panoramic radiograph of normal subject. c Intraoral photo of a 47 year old subject affected by DD-. d Panoramic radiograph of a subject affected by DD-I

nasal pyriform aperture stenosis, single central maxillary incisor and ectopic posterior pituitary gland. Axial CT scan showing a single maxillary incisor

approach to fused maxillary central incisors: a case report. Intraoral view.

approach to fused maxillary central incisors: a case report. Panoramic radiographic.

approach to fused maxillary central incisors: a case report. Persistence of periapical radiolucency at six months control.