maligne Transformation bei Dermoidzyste des Ovars

Stage Ia
squamous cell carcinoma as the malignant transformation of giant and unusual mature teratoma of the ovary in an elderly patient. Initial ultrasound examination with evidence of pelvic mass consisting of uniloculated cyst of about 24 cm of maximum size with multiple small mobile hyperechoic internal lesions. An uneven area of about 2 cm located in the inferior cystic wall is also highlighted

Stage Ia
squamous cell carcinoma as the malignant transformation of giant and unusual mature teratoma of the ovary in an elderly patient. Ultrasound examination shows the extreme mobility of the endocystic formations to the movements impressed by the probe

mature cystic teratoma with malignant transformation: two case reports. A contrast enhanced computerized tomography scan showing a complex large intra-abdominal solid-cystic lesion with intra-cystic enhanced fat component.

mature cystic teratoma with malignant transformation: two case reports. Sagittal T2-weighted fast spin echo magnetic resonance imaging image showing an intra-abdominal large solid-cystic mass, with fat foci and omental thickening in the vicinity of the tumor

mature cystic teratoma with malignant transformation: two case reports. Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging image with fat saturation showing an intra-abdominal large solid-cystic mass, with fat foci and omental thickening in the vicinity of the tumor
maligne Transformation bei Dermoidzyste des Ovars
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