Mons pubis

mit ausgedehnten Kollateralkreisläufen peripubisch in der Computertomographie. Die alt-verschlossene Vene links war am besten inguinal zu sehen (Kreis).
The mons pubis (plural: montes pubis) refers to the rounded protuberant skin-covered soft tissue overlying the symphysis pubis (in both sexes). It is most prominent in adult females.
In females it forms the most superior part of the vulva and it is also called the mons Veneris (plural: montes Veneris).
During puberty the mons pubis becomes covered with pubic hair; in women the hairline superiorly has a sharp horizontal edge to it, forming a triangular escutcheon, whereas in men it continues towards the umbilicus, forming a diamond-shaped escutcheon.
History and etymology
- mons pubis is the Latin for mount of the pubic region
- mons Veneris, is the Latin for mount of (the goddess) Venus
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