Morbus Paget der Mamille

Uncommon case
of mammary Paget’s disease (MPD) after ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) treated with breast-sparing surgery and brachytherapy. MRI 03/2010: occasional spontaneous nipple discharge. Extended duct with protracted enhancement in the left-upper quadrant, up to the nipple, small adjacent foci. DD: intraductal papilloma, intraductal malignancy. BIRADS IV (a) Dynamic-MRI (b) subtracted-MRI 4-minutes-delay.

Uncommon case
of mammary Paget’s disease (MPD) after ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) treated with breast-sparing surgery and brachytherapy. 02/2011 Multimodal imaging: history of spontaneous discharge, slightly retractile scar tissue. MRI: postoperative changes: BIRADS II. (a) Dynamic-MRI 4-minutes-delay, (b) subtracted MRI after 4 minutes, (c) mammography BIRADS II, (d) US scar. BIRADS II.

Uncommon case
of mammary Paget’s disease (MPD) after ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) treated with breast-sparing surgery and brachytherapy. (a) Mammography 01/2013 BIRADS II. (b) US 03/2013: top left and right, white arrows: scar. bottom left, yellow arrows: two contiguous hypoechoic, well-defined focal lesions. Histology: MPD. Axillary lymph node (bottom right, asterisk): normal. BIRADS IV

Uncommon case
of mammary Paget’s disease (MPD) after ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) treated with breast-sparing surgery and brachytherapy. MRI 03/2013: shows a new onset suspicious lesion in the left subareolar region with retraction of the nipple. BIRADS IV. (a) Dynamic and (b) subtracted after 2 minutes. (c) Fat saturated sequence after 4 minutes.

erythematous, crusty, and thickened plaque on the nipple of Paget Disease of the Breast.

approach to the nipple-areolar complex: a pictorial review and diagnostic algorithm. Paget’s disease (I). A 56-year-old woman with right nipple retraction. a 2D mammogram shows a spiculated retroareolar mass in the right breast with nipple retraction and skin thickening; b on ultrasound, it is seen as a solid lesion with ill-defined borders. c MRI shows the retroareolar lesion extending to the nipple-areolar complex. Histologic study revealed infiltrating ductal carcinoma extending to the epidermis

approach to the nipple-areolar complex: a pictorial review and diagnostic algorithm. Paget’s disease (II). An 81-year-old woman with an ulcerated lesion in her left nipple. a Synthesized 2D mammogram shows slight skin thickening in the left nipple-areolar complex (arrows). b MRI shows differential pathologic enhancement of the left nipple-areolar complex. c, d Hematoxylin-eosin-stained punch-biopsy specimen (× 0.3 and × 4, respectively) shows ductal carcinoma with extensive infiltration of the nipple and ulceration of the epidermis (Paget’s disease)