nasale Dermoidzyste

Masses of
developmental and genetic origin affecting the paediatric craniofacial skeleton. Nasal dermoid sinus cyst (NDSC) visible since birth in a 15-year-old boy. a Sagittal contrast-enhanced CT scan (soft tissue windows) shows the extra- and intracranial dermoid cysts (white arrows), which connect with each other via the abnormal foramen caecum (black arrow). b High-resolution sagittal T2 shows that the cystic lesions have different signal intensities (arrows), suggesting different proteinaceous/lipomatous contents. Note also corpus callosum agenesis and posterior ethmoidal meningocele (asterisk). c The lipomatous content (arrowheads) of the NDSC appears hyperintense on T1 (upper image part) and hypointense on fat-saturated contrast-enhanced T1 (lower image part), respectively

Nasal dermoid
sinus cyst in a young female: A 2 × 1 cm oval depression on upper third of nose with many hairs arising from the lesion

Toddler with
a nasal lesion. Sagittal T1 MRI without contrast of the face (left) shows a small round lesion of high signal intensity at the tip of the nose which on sagittal T1 MRI with contrast and fat suppression (right) is of low signal intensity (fat suppressed) and to have no enhancement. There was no intracranial connection.The diagnosis was nasal dermoid.
nasale Dermoidzyste
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