
haematoma: multiparametric ultrasonographic findings.. Long axis grey-scale image showing the circumscribed hypoechoic lesion with some internal echogenic septations and debris which was situated in the right paratesticular tissues.

haematoma: multiparametric ultrasonographic findings.. Colour Doppler technique revealed no vascularity within the lesion and only limited blood flow signals at its periphery.

haematoma: multiparametric ultrasonographic findings.. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonographic image shows that there is no sign of vascularity within the lesion. There is mildly increased vascularity at the periphery of the lesion.

haematoma: multiparametric ultrasonographic findings.. A more delayed image confirms the complete absence of perfusion within the lesion along with the presence of increased vascularity at its periphery.

haematoma: multiparametric ultrasonographic findings.. Colour-coded elastographic image shows the lesion to be predominantly homogeneously soft except for the part where multiple colours can be seen. (Blue colour represents soft and red colour represents hard tissue).