Os parietale

The parietal bone is a paired, irregular, quadrilateral skull bone that forms the sides and roof of the cranium.

Gross anatomy

The parietal bone has four borders, four angles, and external/internal surfaces.

Borders include: frontal, sagittal, occipital (half of lambdoid suture), and squamous temporal.

Angles include: sphenoid, mastoid, occipital, and frontal.

The external surface is convex and smooth. It features:

  • parietal eminence
  • superior temporal line for attachment of temporalis fascia
  • inferior temporal lines for attachment of temporalis muscle
  • parietal foramen contains an emissary vein to superior sagittal sinus

The internal surface is concave and features:

  • groove for middle meningeal vessels
  • groove above: forms sagittal sulcus

The parietal bone articulates with five other bones: the frontal, sphenoid, temporal, occipital, and contralateral parietal bone.

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