Osteosarkom der Tibia

patterns of foot and ankle tumors: a university tumor institute experience. High-grade central osteosarcoma located at the distal tibial metaphysis in a 14-year old male Arab patient which fulfilled our criteria of foot and ankle tumors. The metaphysis was defined as a square the sides of which have the same length as the widest part of the growth plates. All tumors originating from the distal metaphyses of the tibia and fibula (“ankle”) were included in our study

Teenager who
after bumping their leg 1 year ago has had a painful lump in the shin. AP radiograph of the tibia and fibula (left) with a magnified view (right) shows a lesion in the diaphysis of the tibia with permeative cortical destruction and associated periosteal reaction and a Codman’s triangle.The diagnosis was osteosarcoma of the tibia.
Osteosarkom der Tibia
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