Ovarialtorsion bei Brenner-Tumor

torsion as a complication of Brenner tumour. US image. Left ovarian mass showing an internal hypoechoic area with tiny scattered hyperechoic foci exhibiting posterior acoustic shadowing, compatible with calcifications.

torsion as a complication of Brenner tumour. US image. Left ovarian mass showing an internal hypoechoic area with calcifications (white arrow) surrounded by a homogeneous echogenic tissue with peripheral cysts.

torsion as a complication of Brenner tumour. US image. Left mesovarium with a whirling appearance (arrow).

torsion as a complication of Brenner tumour. Axial contrast-enhanced MSCT. Large, rounded and well-defined solid mass arising from the left ovary. Two distinct internal components may be seen. Of note, moderate ascites located at both abdominal flanks.

torsion as a complication of Brenner tumour. Coronal maximum intensity projection of contrast-enhanced MSCT. Solid mass arising from the left ovary (white arrow) and left mesoovarium with whirling appearance (black arrow).
Ovarialtorsion bei Brenner-Tumor
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