Palmer classification of TFCC lesions
Palmer classification for triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) abnormalities is based on the cause, location, and degree of injury :
Class 1 - traumatic injury
- a: central perforation of the triangular fibrocartilage (TFC) disc proper
- b: ulnar avulsion with or without distal ulnar fracture
- may involve the proximal or distal lamina (foveal and styloid attachment, respectively), or both
- c: distal avulsion of the TFCC involving ulnotriquetral and ulnolunate ligaments
- d: radial avulsion of the TFC disc proper +/- sigmoid notch fracture
Class 2 - degenerative injury (ulnocarpal abutment syndrome)
- a: TFCC wear with thinning/fraying without perforation
- b: TFCC wear in 2a with lunate, triquetral and/or ulnar chondromalacia
- c: TFCC perforation +/- 2b chondromalacia
- d: lunotriquetral ligament perforation +/ features of 2a, 2b and/or 2c
- e: any or all of above with ulnocarpal arthritis
See also
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fibrokartilaginärer Komplex