Paragangliom des Herzens

cardiac tumors • Cardiac paraganglioma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

A rare case
of cardiac paraganglioma presenting as anginal pain: a case report. Cardiac catheterization image: showing the "tumor blush" (denoted by "a") with neovascularization seen projecting from the left circumflex artery (arrow) to the "tumor blush."

A rare case
of cardiac paraganglioma presenting as anginal pain: a case report. CT scan: image showing a solid and likely necrotic mass (arrows) extending posterior to the left atrium.

A rare case
of cardiac paraganglioma presenting as anginal pain: a case report. Trans-esophageal echocardiogram: TEE shows a large mass, likely extrinsic to the heart, compressing the left atrium (LA). RA denotes Right Atrium; RV denotes Right Ventricle; LV denotes Left Ventricle; P denotes the Cardiac Paraganglioma.