Pelvic MRI protocol: endometrial carcinoma

A dedicated MRI protocol is crucial for accurate MRI evaluation of endometrial carcinomas.

Imaging is optimally performed after 3 hours of fasting to reduce bowel peristalsis and following administration of an antiperistaltic agent unless contraindicated.

Supine position using a pelvic phased-array multi-coil .

  • high resolution T2 weighted imaging in 3 orthogonal planes angled to the uterine cavity with further sequences angled to the cervix if cervical involvement is suspected
    • slice thickness <4 mm
    • FOV 25 cm
    • high resolution matrix
  • T1 weighted imaging of retroperitoneum to detect nodal involvement
    • axial or coronal
    • extended field of view (FOV)
  • dynamic gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted imaging (small field of view): usually 2 planes (sagittal and axial oblique) or 3 planes to evaluate the extent of myometrial and cervical involvement
  • optimal timing to detect myometrial invasion is approximately 2 minutes following contrast injection

See also

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