Pipkin-Klassifikation der Hüftkopffrakturen

Management of
femoral head fracture by Ganz surgical dislocation of the hip. A, B Preoperative radiograph of a male 28-year-old patient with right hip dislocation and fracture of the femoral head (Pipkin type 2 fracture)

Management of
femoral head fracture by Ganz surgical dislocation of the hip. Preoperative radiograph of a female 35-year-old patient with left hip dislocation and fracture of the femoral head (Pipkin type 1 fracture)

Management of
femoral head fracture by Ganz surgical dislocation of the hip. A Preoperative CT scan showing head femur fracture (axial view). B Preoperative CT scan showing head femur fracture (coronal view)
Pipkin classification is the most commonly used classification for femoral head fractures, which are uncommon but are associated with hip dislocations.
- type I: fracture inferior to the fovea capitis, a small fracture not involving the weightbearing surface
- type II: fracture extending superior to the fovea capitis, a large fracture involving the weightbearing surface
- type III: type I or II fracture with a fracture of the femoral neck, has an increased risk of avascular necrosis
- type IV: type I or II fracture with a fracture of the acetabular wall, usually the posterior wall
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