
A rare
surgical outcome - post pneumonectomy syndrome. Right deviation of the trachea. Hypotransparency of the lower half of the right hemithorax. Displacement of the cardiac silhouette. There is evidence of aired lung in the right hemithorax since vascular markings are clearly seen.

A rare
surgical outcome - post pneumonectomy syndrome. Left pulmonar artery (red arrow) compressing the distal trachea (blue arrow) against the vertebral body.

A rare
surgical outcome - post pneumonectomy syndrome. Counterclockwise rotation of the mediastinum and hyperinflation and herniation of the left lung. Note the stretching of the left bronchus (red arrow).

A rare
surgical outcome - post pneumonectomy syndrome. Narrowing of distal trachea due to compression of the left pulmonary artery. Shift in major vessel positioning.

A rare
surgical outcome - post pneumonectomy syndrome. Presence of mucus within the bronchus (red arrow). Crowding of ribs: The interspace between ribs on the right is narrower compared to the opposite side.

A rare
surgical outcome - post pneumonectomy syndrome. Chest radiograph. After a pneumonectomy, the resulting resection cavity fills with fluid. No aerated lung is depicted in the right hemithorax. The cardiac silhouette shifted rightwards to fill the space vacated by the removed lung.

A rare
surgical outcome - post pneumonectomy syndrome. CT scan - axial view. Right hemithorax cavity filled with fluid after right pneumonectomy. There is mild rightward deviation of the mediastinum and hyperinflation of the remaining lung.

syndrome • Post pneumonectomy syndrome - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
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