
hamartoma tumor syndrome in childhood and adolescence—a comprehensive review and presentation of the German pediatric guideline. Enlarged perivascular spaced (EPVS) in cerebral MRI: 4.5-year-old boy, T2w-image, EPVS 2 mm diameter [Courtesy Kinderkrankenhaus Kliniken der Stadt Köln]

hamartoma tumor syndrome in childhood and adolescence—a comprehensive review and presentation of the German pediatric guideline. Fibroadenoma distribution in both mammae of a 14-year-old girl

hamartoma tumor syndrome in childhood and adolescence—a comprehensive review and presentation of the German pediatric guideline. Intraabdominal lipoma compromising urinary bladder in a 10-year-old girl

hamartoma tumor syndrome in childhood and adolescence—a comprehensive review and presentation of the German pediatric guideline. Flow process chart: indication for genetic diagnostics of PTEN gene mutation and proceedings after positive mutation detection

Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie einer arteriovenösen Malformation am Knie bei PTEN-Hamartom-Tumor-Syndrom. Beachte die multiplen, kugelig wirkenden intranidalen „flow-related“ Aneurysmen.

Ausgedehnte venöse Malformation am rechten Oberschenkel mit begleitender Weichteilgewebshyperplasie. Die dysplastischen Venen sind dilatiert und bilden kleine Aneurysmen (PTEN-Hamartom-Tumor-Syndrom).
Siehe auch:
- Arteriovenöse Malformation
- Adenokarzinom der Prostata
- Lhermitte-Duclos-Syndrom
- Endometriumkarzinom
- Proteus-Syndrom
- venöse Malformationen
- Cowden-Syndrom
- SOLAMEN-Syndrom
- Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba-Syndrom
- Hamartom des Kolons
- familiäres Oligodendrogliom
- Hamartom der Schilddrüse
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