Pyometrium refers to infection of the endometrial cavity with resulting expansion due to accumulated pus (pyometra).
The postmenopausal demographic are most commonly affected due to the association with uterine malignancy.
- endometritis / pelvic inflammatory disease
- uterine malignancies
- pelvic irradiation
- cervical stenosis
- retained products of conception
- imperforate hymen
- colouterine fistula
Radiographic features
- tenderness to uterine palpation
- distended uterine cavity containing complex (echogenic) fluid
- may contain gas bubbles or gas-fluid level
- hyperemic endometrium
- complex free fluid in the pouch of Douglas
- distended uterine cavity
- complex endometrial fluid
- may demonstrate gas-fluid level
- inflammatory stranding in the parametrial fat
- complex free fluid in the pouch of Douglas
- hyperenhancing endometrium
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