Ruptur des gemeinsamen Ursprung der Flexoren am Ellenbogen

The elbow:
review of anatomy and common collateral ligament complex pathology using MRI. Acute subluxation in a handball player with a history of medial instability treated with arthroscopic repair. Consecutive axial FS PD-weighted MRI (a–c), coronal T1-weighted MRI (d), coronal FS PD-weighted (e), and sagittal FS PD-weighted MRI (f) showing a re-tear of the repaired anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament (white arrowheads), a complete tear of the common flexor tendon (yellow arrows), and a tear of the posterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament (white arrow)
Ruptur des gemeinsamen Ursprung der Flexoren am Ellenbogen
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