Sarkoidose der Kalotte

review of skull lesions. Calvaria sarcoidosis. Axial head CT (a, b) images show three lytic lesions in the diploic space of the frontal bones (arrows) with involvement and thinning of the cortex of the inner tables (dashed arrows). Axial T1-weighted imaging (c) depicts hypointense lesions (arrows). Post-contrast T1-weighted (d, e) images demonstrate enhancement of these lesions (arrowheads)

Imaging of
skull vault tumors in adults. Miscellany. Paget disease (a, b) CT (a) and X-ray (b): Characteristic mixed bone lysis and sclerosis, cortical bone thickening, and expansion. Osteoporosis circumscripta cranii CT (c, d): large geographic radiolucent areas involving medullar and cortical bone in frontal and occipital regions (arrows). Amyloidoma (e, f) CT (e) and T2WI (f): Giant heterogeneous mass with marked T2 hypointensity and calcifications. Renal osteodystrophy CT (g): shows characteristic “salt-and-pepper pattern.” Brown tumor (h, i): unspecific well-defined, cystic appearance (arrows). Thalassemia CT (j): Diffuse diploic widening and “hair-on-end” appearance (arrow) with characteristic occipital bone preservation (arrowhead). Bone sarcoidosis (k, l) CT (k) and T2WI (l): Mixed predominantly lytic multiple lesions with lace-like internal pattern of calcification and T2 hypointensity (dashed arrows). Osteitis CT (m, n): Bone focal lysis and erosions of osteitis (arrows) contiguous to a frontal sinusitis complicated with intracranial laminar abscess (dashed arrow)