scaphoid non-union

Kahnbein. In einigen Fällen, vor allem, wenn keine Verletzung erinnerlich ist, kann zwischen einer Pseudarthrose und einer zweigeteilten Anlage (Os scaphoideum bipartitum) nicht sicher unterschieden werden. In diesem Fall handelt es sich wegen der harmonischen Kontaktflächen eher um eine geteilte Anlagevariante.

Pseudarthrose des Scaphoids mit erneuter Fraktur des proximalen Fragments (im CT gesehen).

non-union advanced collapse • Scaphoid non union advanced collapse - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

non-union • Scaphoid non-union - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

fracture • Scaphoid fracture non-union - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

non-union • Avascular necrosis - scaphoid non-union - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

non-union advanced collapse • Scaphoid non-union advanced collapse (SNAC wrist) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

deformity of the scaphoid • Scaphoid fracture with non-union, AVN, DISI, and SNAC - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

non-union • Non-united scaphoid fracture - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Scaphoid non-union is one of the complications of scaphoid fracture because of the unique anatomy of the scaphoid and its vascular supply.
Scaphoid fractures have one of the highest rates non-union of all fractures at ~10% (range 5-15%) .
Scaphoid non-union occurs most commonly through the middle or proximal thirds .
Six grades of non-union have been described by Slade and Dodds :
- grade 1: delayed presentation - 4-8 weeks
- grade 2: fibrous non-union - minimal fracture line; no cyst or sclerosis
- grade 3: minimal sclerosis - <1 mm bone resorption with minimal sclerosis
- grade 4: cyst formation and sclerosis - <5 mm bone resorption with cyst formation; normal scaphoid alignment
- grade 5: cyst formation and sclerosis - 5-10 mm bone resorption with cyst formation; normal scaphoid alignment
- grade 6: separate bone fragments with profound bone resorption; fragment motion and scaphoid deformity common
The following subtypes can also be applied:
- a: proximal pole non-union
- b: avascular necrosis (AVN)
- c: ligamentous injury
- d: deformity
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