Schwannom Nervus ulnaris

Ulnar nerve
schwannoma. Axial TSE T1-WI shows a homogeneous and isointense well-defined mass in contact with the ulnar nerve.

Ulnar nerve
schwannoma. Coronal TSE T1-WI show a homogeneous and isointense fusiform well-defined mass.

Ulnar nerve
schwannoma. Axial TSE SPIR T2-WI shows a slightly heterogeneous hyperintense mass.

Ulnar nerve
schwannoma. Axial TSE T1-WI SPIR post-Gd shows avid enhancement of the mass with hypointense central area (target sign).

Ulnar nerve
schwannoma. Coronal TSE T1-WI SPIR post-Gd shows avid enhancement of the mass with hypointense central area (target sign).
Schwannom Nervus ulnaris
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