Small bowel obstruction (summary)
This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists
Small bowel obstruction (SBO) accounts for 80% of all mechanical intestinal obstruction; the remaining 20% result from large bowel obstruction. It has a mortality rate of 5.5%.
Reference article
This is a summary article; read more in our article on small bowel obstruction.
- epidemiology
- 80% of all mechanical bowel obstruction
- average age: 64 years
- females comprise 60% of patients
- presentation
- abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting
- the level will determine the acuity of presentation
- high obstruction presents early, possibly with bilious vomiting
- lower obstruction presents late and may have feculent vomiting
- pathophysiology
- may be complete or incomplete
- adhesional SBO: almost exclusively from prior surgery
- herniae (often femoral or inguinal, but incisional occur)
- foreign bodies or other masses, e.g. gallstones
- rare: small bowel tumors causing intussusception
- may be complete or incomplete
- investigation
- CT is the most sensitive imaging modality
- treatment
- initial treatment is supportive with decompression (NG) and IV fluids
- in some cases, conservative management fails and surgery is required
- prognosis
- depends on the cause and whether complications occur
- mortality of 5.5% where there are complications:
- ischemia
- perforation
Role of imaging
- confirm obstruction
- demonstrate cause
- find the transition point
- identify any complications, e.g. ischemia or perforation
Radiographic features
There are a number of ways to investigate small bowel obstruction. A plain radiograph has been the traditional tool for initial assessment and while CT has reduced the use of plain radiographs, they remain a tool used by many.
Plain radiograph (AXR)
- dilated small bowel loops (providing they are filled with gas)
- if they are fluid-filled, you will not be able to see them
- small bowel >3 cm in caliber is abnormal (see 3-6-9 rule)
- small bowel loops
- tend to be more central than large bowel
- have valvulae conniventes that traverse the lumen completely
- the cause may be demonstrated, e.g. gas in the femoral canal
- dilated loops of small bowel
- the dilated bowel may be gas- or fluid-filled
- transition point at the site of obstruction
- the cause will be at the transition point
- if no cause is demonstrated, it's likely secondary to adhesions