spinal AVM classification
Spinal arteriovenous malformations can be classified in a number of ways:
- intramedullary
- extramedullary: 80%
Or into four types :
- type I: single coiled vessel (spinal dural AV fistula)
- type II: intramedullary glomus AVM
- type III: juvenile
- type IV: intradural perimedullary (AV fistula)
- sub type I: single arterial supply (ASA), single small fistula, slow ascending perimedullary venous drainage
- sub type II: multiple arterial supply (ASA and PSA), multiple medium fistulae, slow ascending perimedullary venous drainage
- sub type III: multiple arterial supply (ASA and PSA), single giant fistula, large ectatic venous drainage
See also
- Spinal AVM for further discussion
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