spontanes intramurales Hämatom des Dünndarms

Intramural Small-Bowel Hematoma as a cause of Intestinal Obstruction. CT shows a circumferential thickening of a proximal segment of jejunum with associated fat stranding.

intramural small bowel haematoma • Spontaneous intramural small-bowel hematoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Intramural Small-Bowel Hematoma as a cause of Intestinal Obstruction. CT shows a circumferential thickening of a proximal segment of jejunum with associated fat stranding.

Intramural Small-Bowel Hematoma as a cause of Intestinal Obstruction. Pelvic fluid showed an obvious layer of high attenuation ( hematocrit effect, displaying 60 HU ) related to leakage of blood from an engorged, thickened, and inflamed bowel wall with submucosal bleeding extending into all layers.
spontanes intramurales Hämatom des Dünndarms
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