Stenose des Foramen Monroi

The value of
CSF flow studies in the management of CSF disorders in children: a pictorial review. MRI of a 6-year-old boy with foramen of Monro stenosis. a Axial T2-WI showing dilated left lateral ventricle (asterisk). b Coronal 3D-DRIVE demonstrating foramen of Monro stenosis (arrow)

magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of hydrocephalus in pediatric patients. A–E A 10-year-old male child with headache and blurring of vision. A Coronal T2W image shows asymmetry of both lateral ventricles being larger on the right side with obstructing membrane in the right foramen of Monro (blue arrow), B sagittal T2 DIVER image reveals patent normal aqueduct (white arrow), C, D axial phase-contrast images reveal normal CSF flow through the aqueduct at systole (C) and diastole (D) (black arrows), and E velocity time curve- and CSF flow curve-associated table reveals irregular CSF flow curve indicating irregular to and fro movement of the CSF proximal to the site of obstruction with PSV: 7.8 cm/s, PDV:7.9 cm/s, MV: 7.8 cm/s, MSF: 0.176 m/s and SV: 61 µl (hyperdynamic CSF circulation with high CSF velocities and stroke volume and normal flow through aqueduct of Sylvius unilateral obstructive hydrocephalus at level of foramen of Monro by a membrane)

hydrocephalus • Bilateral stenosis of the foramina of Monro - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia