Stentimplantation Pfortader

endovascular repair for portal vein haemorrhage. a Patient #1: Portography showing patent mesenteric vein (arrow) with the pseudoaneurysm at the porto-mesenteric confluence (asterisks), with a patent intra-hepatic portal vein system (dotted arrows). b Patient #2: CT scan showing irregularities of the extrahepatic wall of the PV (arrow), on the site of previous bleedings

endovascular repair for portal vein haemorrhage. a Patient #1: Post-procedural CT scan showing a patent superior mesenteric vein (white cross) and portal vein (asterisk), with the stent-graft deployment (white arrow) and two vascular plugs (arrow-heads) at the splenic and inferior mesenteric vein origins. b Patient # 2: CT scan showing the correct deployment of the stent (arrow), with a patent portal vein (asterisks)

endovascular repair for portal vein haemorrhage. a Two parallel angioseals are inserted in the portal vein through the trans-hepatic access (arrowheads) on 0.035″ Advantage guidewires. b The Angioseals are deployed at the same time, with an operator keeping the tension of the suture stitches (asterisk) and the other one pushing the collagen plug within the liver parenchyma (arrow)
Stentimplantation Pfortader
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