subacute thyroiditis

imaging of the thyroid gland. Patient is suffering from subacute thyroiditis.

of thyroid gland. Patient is suffering from subacute thyroiditis.

Thyreoiditis de Quervain im sonographischen Bild: Unscharf begrenzte, echoärmere Zonen mit eher verminderter Perfusion.

subacute thyroiditis presenting as a painful hot nodule. Initial thyroid ultrasound scanning and 99 m-Technetium scintiscan. A. Thyroid ultrasonography revealed a dyshomogeneous and hypoechoic nodule (15 × 0.8 mm) with an irregular and poorly defined border in the left thyroid lobe (indicated by a white arrow). B. Thyroid scintigraphy with 99 m-Tc showed a focal accumulation of radiotracer uptake in the lower lobe of the left thyroid, which represents the palpable tender nodule (indicated by a black arrow).

thyroiditis • Subacute thyroiditis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

De Quervain
thyroiditis • Subacute (de Quervain’s) thyroiditis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

de Quervain in der Sonografie mit inhomogen teils hypoechogenem Parenchym und Hyperperfusion in einigen Anteilen und Hypoperfusion in anderen.
Subacute thyroiditis (plural is thyroiditides) is used for several different causes of thyroiditis.
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