T2 bilateral hyperintenser Nucleus dentatus

Isoniazid: A
rare drug-induced cause for bilateral dentate nuclei hyperintensity:Axial T2 W image shows bilateral symmetrical hyperintense signal in dentate nuclei of cerebellum

dentate hyperintensities: Isoniazid-induced toxicity. Axial T2-W MR image shows symmetrical dentate nuclei hyperintensities.

dentate hyperintensities: Isoniazid-induced toxicity. Axial T2 FLAIR MR Image shows symmetrical hyperintensities involving the bilateral dentate nuclei.

dentate hyperintensities: Isoniazid-induced toxicity. Diffusion-weighted MR image shows hyperintensities in bilateral dentate nuclei.

dentate hyperintensities: Isoniazid-induced toxicity. ADC MR Image shows no evidence of restricted diffusion in the dentate nuclei.

MR Imaging of
metronidazole-induced encephalopathy. Symmetrical bilateral confluent bright T2 signal intensity seen at the dentate nucleus surrounding the fourth ventricle.
T2 bilateral hyperintenser Nucleus dentatus
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