Testicular cancer (staging)
The staging for testicular tumors is performed according to the TNM system with staging groupings. It can be remembered in its abbreviated form as:
- stage I: confined to testis, epididymis, spermatic cord, scrotum
- stage II: lymph nodes involved but no distant metastases and serum tumor markers are not very high
- stage III: distant metastases or moderately high serum tumor markers
TNM staging
T: tumor
Primary tumor staging is from histological assessment following orchiectomy :
- Tx: primary tumor cannot be assessed (orchiectomy not performed)
- T0: no evidence of primary tumor
- Tis: intratubular germ cell neoplasia (carcinoma in situ)
- T1:
- tumor limited to testis and epididymis
- may invade tunica albuginea
- may not invade tunica vaginalis
- no vascular or lymphatic invasion
- T2:
- tumor limited to testis and epididymis
- involvement of tunica vaginalis
- vascular or lymphatic invasion
- T3: invasion of spermatic cord
- T4: invasion of scrotum
N: nodes
Abdominal retroperitoneal nodes are considered regional lymph nodes. A CT short axis measurement threshold of 7-8 mm has 70% sensitivity and specificity for malignant involvement or retroperitoneal nodes . The largest dimension of a lymph node is used to differentiate between N1-N3.
- Nx: nodes cannot be assessed
- N0: no evidence of nodal involvement
- N1: one or more lymph nodes involved but all <2 cm in greatest dimension
- N2: one or more lymph nodes involved 2-5 cm in greatest dimension
- N3: one or more lymph nodes involved >5 cm in greatest dimension
M: metastases
- Mx: presence of metastases cannot be assessed
- M0: no evidence of metastases
- M1: distant metastases present
- M1a: non-regional lymph node or pulmonary metastases
- M1b: distant metastases not fulfilling M1a
S: serum tumor markers
Most men with nonseminomatous germ cell tumor have elevated serum beta hCG and alpha fetoprotein (AFP). For men with seminomas, beta hCG is elevated only in a minority and AFP levels are almost always normal .
- Sx: no serum tumor markers available
- S0: within normal limits
- S1:
- AFP: <1000 ng/mL
- beta hCG: <5000 IU/L
- LDH: <1.5x upper limit of normal
- S2:
- AFP: 1,000-10,000 ng/mL
- beta hCG: 5,000-50,000 IU/L
- LDH: 1.5-10x upper limit of normal
- S3:
- AFP: >10,000 ng/mL
- beta hCG: >50,000 IU/L
- LDH: >10x upper limit of normal
Serologic markers are often used to monitor treatment and/or detect recurrence.
Stage groupings
- stage I: T1–4, N0, M0, SX
- stage II: any pT/Tx, N1–3, M0, SX
- IIa: any pT/Tx, N1, M0, S0 OR any pT/Tx, N1, M0, S1
- IIb: any pT/Tx, N2, M0, S0 OR any pT/Tx, N2, M0, S1
- IIc: any pT/Tx, N3, M0, S0 OR any pT/Tx, N3, M0, S1
- stage III: any pT/Tx, any N, M1, SX
- IIIa: any pT/Tx, any N, M1a, S0 OR any pT/Tx, any N, M1a, S1
- IIIb: any pT/Tx, N1–3, M0, S2 OR any pT/Tx, any N, M1a, S2
- IIIc: any pT/Tx, N1–3, M0, S3 OR any pT/Tx, any N, M1a, S3
- OR any pT/Tx, any N, M1b, any S