Traumatic abruptio placenta scale
The traumatic abruptio placenta scale (TAPS) was devised to stratify placental injury findings on CT. Since placental abruption is a concern in a pregnant patient who has undergone traumatic injury, CT is occasionally the first imaging modality used to evaluate the placenta.
- 0: normal homogeneously enhancing placenta
- 1: heterogeneous placenta with low-attenuation geographic areas due to normal variants
- 2: non-geographic contiguous or full-thickness areas of low attenuation with acute angles with myometrium
- 2a: >50% placental enhancement
- 2b: 25-50% placental enhancement
- 3: large perfusion defects with <25% overall residual placental enhancement
The numerical score is less important than recognizing the findings of more severe and less severe placental injury.
The scale requires assessment with IV contrast-enhanced CT, however, if the study is performed without contrast, retroplacental hemorrhage can still be evaluated since it will be hyperattenuating relative to the myometrium and normal placenta.