traumatische Dissektion Arteria subclavia

right Subclavian artery acute dissection with pseudoaneurysm. Linear intimal dissection flap (denoted by arrow) is seen clearly involving the first part of the right subclavian. Bilateral common carotid arteries appear intact.

right Subclavian artery acute dissection with pseudoaneurysm. RSCA dissection with pseudoaneurysm projecting anteriorly and superiorly (arrow). Note there is no clavicle/1st rib fracture.

right Subclavian artery acute dissection with pseudoaneurysm. VRT image oblique view of aortic arch and its branches. Right subclavian artery (RSCA) dissection - up arrow, pseudoaneurysm - right arrow. Right Vertebral artery (Rt.VA) origin also shows a mild focal bulbosity.
traumatische Dissektion Arteria subclavia
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