Tuberous breasts

Tuberous breasts are congenital deformities of breast. They are defined by reduced parenchymal volume and herniation of breast tissue through the nipple-areola complex.


The exact incidence is not clear. However, it is a common cause of patients presenting with breast asymmetry. Presents in teenage females, unilaterally or bilaterally.

Clinical presentation

  • constricted breast base
  • reduction in volume of the breast parenchyma
  • abnormal elevation of inframammary fold
  • pseudoherniation of the breast parenchyma into the areola
  • areola hypertrophy


The pathogenesis is considered to be an aberration in the superficial fascia of thorax which blocks the normal expansion of glandular tissue.

Radiographic features


Classical shape of tuberous breasts can be seen and mammogram may demonstrate herniation of breast parenchyma through the nipple-areolar complex.

History and etymology

It was first described in detail by Rees and Aston in 1974.