ultrasound artifacts

in der Sonographie mit typisch echoreicher Textur. Der Befund liegt am Leberrand und man erkennt deutlich ein Spiegelartefakt scheinbar außerhalb der Leber.

ultrasonography in the axial plane, between the xiphoid process and the navel, of a 38 year old woman who has developed diastasis recti after pregnancy. It shows a distance of 3.5 cm between the rectus abdominis muscles (distance between the crosses), but no hernia through the linea alba.

Reverberationen, ausgelöst durch ungenügende Ankopplung der Ultraschallsonde

sonographische Artefakte. Gb-Gallenblase. SV-distale Schallverstärkung; SA-distale Schallauslöschung; LS-lateral shadowing

images of aorta duplication artifact. A refraction artifact which results from the difference in the velocity of sound between muscle tissue and fat tissues.

ultrasonography of an 83 year old man who experienced biliary colic two weeks prior.It shows a gallbladder wall that is almost pathologically thickened, at 3 mm. However, there is no apparent edema in the pericholecystic fat. The gallbladder contains biliary sludge, as well as gallstones, which create acoustic shadowing. There is thus gallstones without current cholecystitis. Without annotations Annotated raster (.jpg) Annotated vector (.svg)

Ultrasound artifacts are commonly encountered and familiarity is necessary to avoid false diagnoses. They are not to be confused with ultrasound probe defects, which represent hardware failure.
- acoustic enhancement
- acoustic shadowing
- aliasing artifact
- anisotropy
- beam width artifact
- blooming artifact
- color bruit artifact
- color flash artifact
- comet tail artifact
- double aorta artifact
- electrical interference artifact
- hardware-related artifacts
- mirror image artifact
- multipath artifact
- reverberation artifact
- refraction artifact
- ring down artifact
- side lobe artifact
- speckle artifact
- speed displacement artifact
- side lobe artifact
- twinkling artifact
Siehe auch:
- ultrasound beam width artifact
- ring down artifact
- Kometenschweif-Artefakte (Ultraschall)
- speckle artifact
- side lobe artifact
- refraction artifact
- speed displacement artifact
- Wiederholungsechos Ultraschall
- Spiegelartefakte Ultraschall
- dorsale Schallverstärkung
- Farbdoppler-Kometenartefakt
- Schallschatten
- Twinklingartefakte
- doppelte Aorta Artefakt in der Sonographie
- Schichtdicken-Artefakte
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