Valproat assoziierte Insuffizienzfraktur

cause of insufficiency fracture. Axial FSE T2 image of both feet, showing osseous oedema (*), more remarkable on the right foot, as well as a trabecular fracture line affecting the posterior tuberosity of the right calcaneus (arrow).

cause of insufficiency fracture. Sagittal SE T1 image of the left ankle, in which bony oedema in the talar neck is observed (*), associated to a fracture line (arrow). Detail of the talar bone in the upper image.

cause of insufficiency fracture. Sagittal TSE T2 Fat-Sat image of the right ankle, in which mild high signal patchy images are observed (*), consistent with oedema, as well as the fracture line in the posterior tuberosity of the calcaneus (arrow).