verkalkte intraperitoneale Metastasen

Detection of
peritoneal metastases. Intraperitoneal seeding of peritoneal metastases. (a) Axial post contrast CT scan in a 49-year-old female with carcinoma of the ovary demonstrating nodular parietal peritoneal thickening, in association with a deposit in Morison’s pouch, and ascites. (b) Axial CT scan in a 66-year-old female with carcinoma of the ovary showing calcified peritoneal metastases. (c) Axial post contrast CT scan in the same patient as in Fig. 3A. Note the clips from previous renal surgery. Multiple enhancing peritoneal metastases are outlined by ascites. Note also enhancing deposits in the greater omental fat.
verkalkte intraperitoneale Metastasen
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