Vesico-urachal diverticulum

Vesico-urachal diverticulum is one of the congenital urachal remnant abnormalities.

Gross anatomy

It is the proximal equivalent of a urachal umbilical sinus, representing a result of the failure of the urachus to close at the urinary bladder, forming an out-pouching of variable length from the anterosuperior aspect of the urinary bladder, which does not communicate with the umbilicus.

Radiographic features

This anomaly is identified as a urine-filled anterosuperior extension from the bladder dome on all imaging modalities.

Related pathology

A urachal diverticulum frequently coexists with congenital obstruction of the lower urinary tract. Rarely a malignancy can arise within the diverticulum: see urachal carcinoma.

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