Vulval cancer (staging)
Staging of vulval cancer is the FIGO staging system and is as follows:
- stage 0: carcinoma in situ (pre-invasive); corresponds to Tis
- stage I: tumor <2 cm (greatest dimension) and confined to vulva/perineum; corresponds to T1
- stage Ia: stromal invasion by <1 mm
- Stage Ib: stromal invasion by >1 mm
- stage II: tumors >2 cm but confined to vulva; corresponds to T2
- stage III: any size with invasion of lower urethra, vagina, perineum, anus; corresponds to T3
- stage IV: bladder/rectal invasion, fixation to bone and/or metastases
- stage IVa: invasion of bladder, upper urethra and rectal mucosa and/or fixation to bone; corresponds to T4
- stage IVb: distant metastases including pelvic lymph node metastases
See also